Customer Relationship Management that drives results

Build your own sales pipeline and let eFitness’s CRM illustrate it, giving you real-time sales data on how you or your team is performing.

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Najważniejsze funkcje CRM w systemie eFitness

Moduł CRM w systemie eFitness to niezastąpione narzędzie do osiągnięcia sukcesu w dynamicznym świecie branży fitness.

Intuitive and powerful CRM dashboard

Control your sales pipeline with visual sales funnels which are updated live, in real time. Know your most powerful lead source for conversion so you can optimise your sales focus. Keep your finger on the pulse by viewing the quick ‘to do list’, you’ll always know what’s coming next.

CRM calendar

Have a quick overview of all your scheduled tasks and add new activities at the touch of a button. Change the date of a meeting, call or other tasks simply by dragging & dropping. Never miss a beat.

To-do list in one place

Manage all your to-do tasks from one place. Use advanced filters to target leads that you want to work on right away. Check each prospects history to be ready and prepared for every call.

Automatyzacja rutynowych działań

Nasz CRM to nie tylko narzędzie do planowania procesu sprzedaży, ale także do jego automatyzacji. Dzięki temu możesz skupić się na tym, co naprawdę ważne, czyli budowaniu relacji z klubowiczami, a resztę pozostawić systemowi.

Bulk CRM
task creation

Run any report, use advanced filters and easily find members you want to contact. Add CRM tasks in bulk and assign them to the right members of staff. Never wonder about what to do next.

Automated CRM
task creation

Never worry about missed opportunities or calls again by automating CRM tasks which will fully streamline the work of your sales team. Let the system do the majority of the work for you, so your sales team can focus on what is most important.

Manage all your members and leads from one place

Achieve more with a better layout of information. See all members and leads that you are working on in one view.

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eFitness Business

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